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Les Echos: Opinion | Quand le climat fragilise la santé : une crise à deux visages
Comme le prouvent les pics de pollution et le retour de maladies rares, voire oubliées, le changement climatique impacte la santé de...

LE TEMPS: N’oublions pas l’adaptation au changement climatique, notre bouée de sauvetage!
Il faut réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre mais l’adaptation des personnes et des territoires est tout aussi cruciale, avec...

FINANCIAL TIMES: Geoengineering is worth the risk — provided we regulate it properly
Techniques such as solar radiation modification could play a key role in fighting climate change Opinion piece by Chair Pascal Lamy, 2...

REFORMA: Cómo afrontar los riesgos del sorbrepaso climático
Por Anote Tong, ex Presidente de Kiribati, Kim Campbell, ex Primer Ministro de Canadá y Arancha Gonzalez, Decana de la Paris School of...

DAILY MAVERICK: Tensions over fossil fuel phase-outs increase risk of climate overshoot
Opinion piece by Chair Pascal Lamy, Commissioners Kim Campbell, Anote Tong, Hina Rabbani Khar, Xue Lan, Frances Beinecke and Arancha...

SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: Climate change-all possible solutions should be explored, but with caution
Opinion piece by Commissioner Xue Lan 16 November 2023 The landmark Paris Agreement of 2015 set a goal of limiting global warming to...

LE MONDE: OP-ED Commissioner's Pascal Lamy, Kim Campbell and Anote Tong
« Le dépassement climatique temporaire n’est plus une hypothèse incertaine, et nous devons nous y préparer » La probabilité que le...

L'EXPRESS:"Dépasser la barre de 1,5 °C est possible, avec des effets potentiellement dramatiques"
- dit Pascal Lamy En exclusivité pour L’Express, le président de la Commission sur le dépassement climatique ébauche une stratégie face à...

Folha de Sao Paolo: "Conciliar economia e pauta climática exige abertura para ideias heterodoxas"
- diz ex-diretor da OMC By Alex Sabino 2 October 2023 O francês Pascal Lamy, 76, tem três explicações para conseguir encaixar tantas...

Chair Pascal Lamy speaks to France24 about the Commission:
By Armen Georgian | 08 September 2023 The interview was published by France 24.

Context: Climate overshoot and what we owe the next generation
Opinion by Laurence Tubiana, Claire Bulger | 14 September 2023 Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation (ECF), an...

CGTN AFRICA:Climate change global risks and ambitions to tackle them - Gonzalez
13 May 2023, Ramah Nyang See the full interview directly on Twitter.

The China Council For International Cooperation On Environment And Development:
“We Must Stay True to Spirit of the Paris Agreement with Genuine Actions”: Interview with European Climate Foundation CEO Laurence...

PODCAST: Global Trade in a Decarbonizing World
27 June 2023 The global energy transition is unfolding in an increasingly fragmented world. The rise of green industrial policies aimed...

CNBC Africa: Commodity price & climate's impact on African businesses
As commodity prices drop and climate impact becomes more frequent and devastating, what changes can Africa's business owners expect this...

CAPITAL FM: Let's build coherent approach against risks linked to climate - Kalibata
Opinion by Agnes Kalibata, member of the Climate Overshoot Commission, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to the Food Systems Summit;...

CNBC: Climate Overshoot Commission Chair, Pascal Lamy, on CNBC Africa
2 May 2023 CNBC Africa spoke to the President of the Climate Overshoot Commission, Pascal Lamy, to breakdown what is expected from Africa...

CNBC: Kim Campbell speaks out about the global crisis of rising sea levels and eroding coasts.
3 March 2023 Indonesia and Canada are known for their long coastlines. In the midst of the global climate crisis, Former Canadian Prime...

CNBC: Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon speaks on fossil energy in the climate crisis
3 March 2023 Former Mexican President (2006-2012) Felipe Calderon arrived in Indonesia to join The Climate Overshoot Commission meeting....

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gegen die Hitze: Was kommt nach 1,5 Grad?
Neue Perspektiven und Chancen in der globalen Klimadebatte Chair Pascal Lamy interviewed by Kalina Oroschakoff, 31 March 2023 «Politisch...

LE TEMPS: Pascal Lamy: «Nous avons le devoir moral de nous adapter à un réchauffement climatique...»
Le président de la Commission mondiale sur la réduction des risques climatiques liés au dépassement estime que la planète doit procéder à...

KOMPAS TV: Kim Campbell addresses Jakarta's flooding as a result of climate change
12 February 2023 According to her, the public must raise this issue so that the government immediately prioritises and mitigates the...

THE JAKARTA POST: Due to its severe risks, we must prepare for a climate overshoot
Opinion by Arancha González Laya, member of the Climate Overshoot Commission, dean of Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences...

We need to prepare for a temperature overshoot and worse climate change With global warming of 2.7 degrees Celsius by 2100 looming,...

THE NEW STATESMAN: Pascal Lamy on the climate crisis:
“We have to go way back to find a global picture as depressing as today” By Philippa Nuttall, 27 July 2022 Cop27 in Egypt must focus on...

ENERGY INTELLIGENCE: Ronan Kavanagh discusses the risk of missing the Paris Agreement Goals
Ronan Kavanagh, Editor Conversation of the Century See the full interview on the Energy Intelligence website

CLIMATE HOME NEWS: Former presidents of Mexico, Niger, Kiribati join commission to tackle overshoot
By Chloé Farand, 17 May 2022 The Climate Overshoot Commission will explore controversial options to cope with global heating in excess of...
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